Governments sometimes worry that Citizens feel they are being taken for granted; That they might feel that it’s all take and no give. That is why the World Health Organisation launched a “Gove Love” initiative to encourage Governments to let their Citizens know how much they really care. “Governments don’t want Citizens to imagine that they only see them as tax cattle.” Says Otto Von Schwuchtel of the WHO Government Love Initiative. “We want them to know that they deeply care about them as individual human beings with their own dreams, hopes, opinions and ideas. That’s why we set up a special hotline so that they can share their innermost thoughts. Once we know how they’re feeling we can alert Governments to send representatives to meet them in person to invite them to come for an intimate chat at a dedicated facility. We listen carefully to every word. People are often so relieved to have found a listening ear; They sometimes stay with us forever.” chuckles Schwuchtel with a broad smile. The International Gove Love hotline has received millions of calls and countless Citizens have been given immediate assistance.
Do you have misgivings about your Government? Call the Gove Love Hotline in Geneva at +41-22-7912111 to be directed to someone who can help.